AUGUST 17, 2018
It's been awhile since I updated and there is no one to blame but me. There have been a lot of life changes and some interesting work along the way. I've mostly been doing voiceover work in the form of audiobooks.
August 18, 2017
A lot has happened this summer. For starters, I returned to the stage for the first time in 5 years in the production of Any Which Way Thou Wouldst Have It, written by George Rady and directed by Joan Kane. I played a buffoonish French journalist, named Monsieur Opinion-Publique. We ran for the month of July at the American Theatre of Actors.
I have also been involved in a massive amount of audiobooks this summer. Most notably, I did the entire series of The Starlight Chronicles, by C.S. Johnson. It was such a blast to be able to go from one book to the next in a seven book series, and then to plug in 4 short stories that take place between several novels. So many voices, both natural and supernatural - a real pleasure to dig my teeth into.
Here is a list of the audiobooks I have done that are now available on Audible.com:
The Healing Effects of CBD Rich Hemp Oil
Improve Your Memory
How to Start, Run and Grow a Used Car Dealership on a Budget
Agility: The Unknowns Saga, Book 2 - A real joy to return to this series. And an interesting challenge to have to go back and relearn which voices were used for which characters. Can't wait for the third installment.
The Starlight Chronicles
The rest of the series will be available in the next few weeks. I am also working with a few other authors to get their series on their feet. So much fun and such a wonderful process to create something new.
May 1, 2017
A lot has happened since the last update.
First up, the screening for the short film I worked on last year and early this year, Moral Injury, is having it's first screening this Friday!
Completed audiobooks:
A Thousand Stones: 18+ hrs with several languages and over 20 characters with various accents. This one took a lot out of me but was such a fantastic experience.
Sordid: A quick book, but with some interesting themes for todays world.
Awakening: The first book of an action series. I hope to do the rest of the series as I had a lot of fun with this book.
Interagency Cooperation: Another first book in a possible series of fantasy and police drama. I hope this continues as well.
And I just picked up a non-fiction book for the first time in awhile, more news on that once it's completed.
We started shooting Gen Y this past month. I got to do a few scenes. Can't wait to see some of the footage. Very exciting.
February 9, 2017
Wrapping up an epic audiobook, now titled A Thousand Stones by Michael Sanford. It involved several languages and a ton of accented characters. More news on that when all of the release info is ready.
Almost done with pick ups for Moral Injury. It's been a lot of fun playing around with my Russian accented mob character.
And we are jumping back into shooting the first season of Gen Y - a new webseries where I play a homeless man with autism.
Looking forward to a new year of opportunities and projects to develop.
October 1, 2016
I am now a member of SAG/AFTRA.
August 3, 2016
It has been a very up and down summer for me, both personally and professionally.
The major event was that my mother passed away from pancreatic cancer in May. You can read my reaction to it here.
Right before that happened, I completed shooting the pilot of the webseries Gen Y. You can see the rough cut of my scene here. Also, due to this project, I am now a SAG/AFTRA must-join.
I did another developmental reading of "The Patient Man, Amorous Virgin, and Honest Whore" for George Rady and Alexandra Cohler.
The Untitled PTSD student film (now titled Moral Injury) I shot earlier this year has been expanded and will be shooting new scenes in the fall, where I will continue usage of my Russian accent. You can see me in the trailer on the link.
On the voice over front, I've been doing various radio gigs, news readings, and audiobooks. Love, Magic, Aliens and Chance is now available online. As is John William and the Bandits of Basswood.
April 8, 2016
It has been an interesting start to 2016 for me in the acting world.
For starters, I am officially SAG/AFTRA-eligible!
In January I did a reading for actress/playwright Mim Granahan of her new, untitled Spy Play as an over-driven, possibly psychotic, FBI agent.
Following that, I then did two readings for playwright George Rady and actress/producer Alexandra Cohler of the plays "The Patient Man, Amorous Virgin, and Honest Whore" as a clown who plays multiple roles, and "Mademoiselle Philly of zhe Folies-Bergere" as Reverend Tarragon, a religious man.
I am currently working on a short film at SVA that is currently listed as Untitled PTSD Project written and directed by Hal Martin. I am playing the role of Ludvik, a Russian mobster (got to brush off the Russian accent for the first time in ages).
And I have just been cast in a new webseries, "Gen Y" which is written and directed by Hannah Hartwell, where I will be playing Charles, a man who lives in the park and has autism. We have completed the initial table read and will be posting about it as it develops.
I have also been doing several audiobooks this year that have been completed and released on amazon: Faolan (The Younger Years) by Emilie J. Howard, Ray of Sunlight by Brynn Stein, Hello Fabulous! by Jason Tanamor, and Stories Beneath Our Skin by Veronica Sloane. I just landed a book of short stories that I am working on: Love, Magic, Aliens, and Chance by Marion E. Tucker.
At the same time, I have started working with Spoken Layer reading news stories. I mostly do Forbes stories for them.
This year saw the airing of a few tv shows I worked on: Shadow of Doubt and Blood Feuds. Footage from both can be found on my video page.
Get Happy! has been making the festival rounds and making quite an impression. It played up at Montreal World Film Festival. Then it was an official selection at the Universe Multicultural Film Festival (where it won Best Romantic Feature). It was also a Best Feature Finalist at Maryland International Film Festival. And it has also been nominated for a Remi award at Worldfest-Houston.
December 31, 2015
The year has come to a close and I had a busy ending quarter of it.
In early September I shot an episode of "The Haunting Of" where I played Meatloaf in the reenactment segments. The episode aired in October and was directed by Andrea De Brito.
After that I worked on a reading/workshop of George Rady's adaptation of "The Patient Man and Honest Whore" where I played Clown 1. The role called for several accents and voices, including brushing off my french accent.
I returned to "Mysteries at the Museum" this Fall. This time I was playing multiple roles, primarily Henry IV of Spain. As usual, it was a fun time working with the crew and cast.
Next up was a principal role in a short film "Dispatch." I played the role of Jeff, a cab driver looking out for his boss' daughter. It was written and directed by Rachel Hampton.
Finally, I got to do a lot of mask and physical work for an art feature film Redwood. I did the supporting role of Middle Aged Man. It was shot at Pioneer Works and directed by Molly Lowe, who is currently in residence there.
I also got to do several voice over jobs this quarter.
First off, I was brought in to do some looping on the short film "Adherence," which was written and directed by Mav Block.
I also did my very first audiobook. It was for a play "Humane Discrimination: An Drama in Ireland" by F.L. Light. I read all of the roles, which called for many voices and accents. You can get it now on Amazon.
Coming up in January, several projects I worked on have air dates. The first is a new show called "Blood Feuds." It airs on the American Heroes Channel (AHC) starting January 6.
Shadow of Doubt, where I had a guest star role on an episode airs on January 20, on Investigation Discovery.
Get Happy! comes to Cinema Village starting January 15.
On a closing note, I don't usually post about background work, but I wanted to bring up a job I did for a new show on Showtime called "Billions." I was brought in to play a protestor, then was asked to play the head of the protestors. This wasn't due to any special skills, the AD just liked my look for the day. It resulted in them asking me back for a second day working with this wonderful and friendly crew and I got to interact with several cast members (unless their mics picked up stuff we said in the scenes and they end up using it, it's still a bg role - I just thought it was an interesting and fun extended gig).
Happy New Year everyone! Here's to 2016!
September 1, 2015
The summer has come to a close and with it some very fun projects. First off: news!
Get Happy! is going to Canada! It will be playing at the Montreal World Film Festival in early September. If you haven't seen it, watch the trailer (I'm in it!).
This summer I worked again with Chepookah Productions on one of their filmed sketch comedy bits. This time it's about catcalling and slut shaming. It should come out later this month.
I worked on several reenactment TV shows this summer as well. The first was a return to working with Optomen and their production Monsters Inside Me. I played the father of a teenager who developed a disgusting skin ailment. It will be either episode 9 or 10 of their current season. It was cast by Matt Anderson who I had never worked with before and was terrific.
I just finished work on a new show: Shadow of Doubt for Stephen David Entertainment. I play one of the major suspects of a murder case. It was directed by Beth Spitalny (who was fantastic in every way possible) and will air as the third episode in the series. It was cast by Kevin Kuffa who is always amazing and so helpful whenever I audition for him.
And my latest reenactment gig is on an episode of The Haunting Of - also cast by Kevin Kuffa! I play a young rock star. Which one? I'll tell you after we shoot and closer to air time.
In other areas, I did a bunch of photo work this summer, including Cripfest at BAM and a production of The Taming of the Shrew by Manhattan Shakespeare Project.
Along side all of this, I had some fantastic auditions for many interesting projects. Here's hoping autumn continues to bring new and exciting pieces to work on!
June 22, 2015
This has been a nice month of firsts: I went to my first screening for a short film - "I Lost My Phone!" and I went to my first feature screening at Manhattan Film Festival for Get Happy! I also found out that I'm in the trailer for Get Happy! so that is very exciting.
This month also saw a return to fight directing for me as I designed and taught a knife fight for What Dreams May Co. production of Julius Caesar.
I did a short shoot for Chepookah Productions doing a lot of physical comedy for one of their internet shows. More news on that when it airs.
And I got to play an investor of a railroad trade scheme on an episode of a new historical feud series that will air on the Military History Channel later this year.
During all of this I also had a bunch of auds, several photo projects (as photographer), and rewrites for the web series. Hopefully I'll get to shoot it by the end of summer.
Let's keep this momentum going!
May 17, 2015
It's been a few months of building myself up.
I took new headshots as you can see on this page. I had to wait for nice weather and to cut my hair as I had been doing a bunch of things that required longer hair.
I joined twitter. Yes, it's true. I figured, better to have the handle I want then let someone else grab it. You can find me there under @nsantasier.
As I wait on footage from feature Get Happy!, pilot The GL Douglas Show, and short film "I Lost My Phone!, I cobbled together a reel from some self shot stuff and some produced stuff (namely TruTV's Hack My Life and a trailer for the short film "I Lost My Phone!").
I also took part in a short stunt show that went well, attended ActorCon in NYC, went on several auditions (both in front of the camera and voice over), did several background stints on shows and reenactments, and picked up a new client for my photography. I also went to the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens to catch the cherry blossoms which you can see on my photoblog.
Here is to a productive summer!
March 20, 2015
It's been a productive March.
I took a seminar with Alison Franck of Franck Casting. Got some really nice feedback. Always wonderful starting a new relationship in the business.
Today I shot my role in a new pilot from Open Door Production Company, titled The G.L. Douglas Show. I play GL's boss, Sal - the owner of a comedy club the lead character works in. It was a very fun shoot with some fantastic cast members and crew. There should be a website up for the show soon that I can post.
The episode I did for TruTV is now up on their website. I'm also the picture for episode 108. You can watch here.
Had a few auditions, including my first time being called in by Wulf Casting where I got my reader to laugh. I am also focused on contacting and building relationships with several casting directors in order to get guest roles on several NYC TV shows.
The web series proceeds. I started a new draft, combining the old with a few new directions based on feedback from several readers. I'm hopeful to get this into the pipeline by summer.
On the photography end, I've got several shoots this month, including a brand new private client. It's a month of growth!
February 7, 2015
2014 ended on some fun notes.
Worked on an industrial that was more like a film than a commercial. Did a commercial around SoHo that was a lot of fun. Several auditions for various projects, including some voice over ones that I was in the running for (emails from CD's who enjoyed your work is always appreciated). And a bunch of background and photo gigs to pay my bills. I did a few days of stunt coordinating on a student film, but we didn't finish yet. Hopefully we'll get that done this month. And I found a short thing I did back in January 2014 online. A comedy blog show in England with Michelle Gomez (recently seen on Doctor Who).
All in all, pretty solid last two months of the year.
2015 has been interesting already as well.
I had to shoot pickups for TruTV on the episode of Hack My Life I shot back in August. So going back to that hair was funny since I hadn't cut it since due to all of the days I kept getting on Show Me a Hero as a cameraman. It also became an August wardrobe in January shoot which was hilarious with me in shorts. Lots of fun was had by all that night.
I was able to get an audition with Kevin Kuffa for one of the many shows he does the casting for and nailed it. Got a central role in an episode of a crime show that I will talk about when it airs. No lines, all physical work, but several days of work that were with a fantastic crew. Just a blast all around despite a "blizzard" hitting NYC.
Up next: hunting for auditions, building a reel, new headshots (thinking of keeping the beard around for awhile), and moving into preproduction on the web series I finished writing (time to find producers and such to get it going). I also learned that the film I worked on, Get Happy! will be released around July 1, 2015. I had a small supporting role with several scenes, a monologue, and some funny one liners. As my character didn't have a name and I do not subscribe to IMDBpro, the site has relegated me down to the bottom of the cast list with the extras. Good times.
October 14, 2014
Lining up a few projects. I'm doing stunt coordinating on a student film in November, along with a few photography projects already, so that's excellent.
This week, one of the re-enactments I did for Mysteries at the Museum aired and can be found online here.
I had a few commercial auditions, even got called back by Lauren Charkow Casting for one where I got to play around as a taxi driver. Didn't get it, but the callback was excellent.
After some grueling months, I am focusing on my health and well being, so my diet is being changed and exercise habits are stepping up. Not an easy thing, but helpful and necessary while looking for more auditions and gigs.
September 3, 2014
Summer went out on some very good and fun notes.
I was brought in by Sara Paterno at Sharp Entertainment for an audition for Hack My Life on TruTV. I ended up landing the role of the party animal which let me do a lot of physical comedy demonstrating a horrible party guest. The shoot was fantastic and I had a lot of fun.
I was brought in by a friend from college, Joshua Bradley, to do some stunt coordinating on a pilot being produced by Steve Loff. We shot in the middle of August. I'll post more news as it becomes available.
I did some photography for The Story Collider and lined up some more gigs for them for the next few months.
Other than that, I've been doing some background for various shows around NYC (mostly shows I am not trying to get roles in or directly submitting for - I accidentally got something in one I would have loved to audition for this past week). I also did a commercial for Verizon that featured Samantha Bee which was a very fun day.
This month continues the grind of audition and gig hunting in all forms.
I have finished 6 episode scripts of a new webseries and am hoping to finish the remaining 4 this month so I can start shopping it around.
July 17, 2014
The past month has been filled with a variety of things as the heat has been climbing.
In June I played a supporting role in a new short film "I Lost My Phone" from director Leo Fiorica and producer Helen O'Reilly.
Shortly after that shoot, I took a much needed vacation up to the Adirondacks to clear my head and get some focus in order. Photos from some of the hikes can be found here.
So now we are back in the city, did a little background work, pounding the pavement for auditions, actively looking for representation, and writing a web series (I have the drafts of 5 episodes done and working on a sixth, the plan being 10 episodes). Also found a new monologue for me to use for my type, so that's something else to work on.
And, as it is the summer, I went and saw Much Ado About Nothing at the Delacorte. And now I have an inkling to do Shakespeare again (specifically that piece).
May 30, 2014
I had a last minute fight choreography gig for Manhattan Shakespeare Project's current production of Romeo and Juliet. It just opened this week. Info can be found on their webpage.
May 17, 2014
It's been two months since I updated on here. That's on me. Oops.
Since then, I've been auditioning for a bunch of things and worked on several projects. I did two days of work with Optomen TV on Mysteries at the Museum which will result in me appearing in three episodes. In one I play a detective investigating a Jewish drug ring, then as radio shock jock Steve Dahl, and also as the creator of tabasco sauce: Edmund McIlhenny.
I also did a developmental reading of a new webseries by Heather Cambanes about a food network style show. I played Kyle: the director of the show.
Also was able to do a few more event photo sessions for The Story Collider. One was in a new venue in Chelsea, the other was their fourth anniversary show out in Brooklyn.
At the same time, I did some headshot sessions for some clients, including some of me with longer hair and beard (as can be found in the pictures tab).
I just started writing a webseries and am continuing work on the novel I've been working on, which has including some artwork - something I haven't done in awhile.
Upcoming: a supporting role in a new short film, participating in a film competition, and auditions, auditions, auditions.
March 17, 2014
It's been mostly classes and auditions this past month. I took a few more classes and events at CnC studios to focus some thoughts and ideas on my training. These included two voice over classes and an event with BLOC casting. Some interesting feedback from each.
Auditions are a struggle just to land lately. Trying to rethink a plan of attack, get some fresh eyes on it.
I am waiting on a few components to finish up the at home studio for recording and then I will be looking into audiobook recording places. I have a few leads to look into.
I recently did a day of background work on a new show called Black Box. It was a fun day up in the Columbia University area.
Just did an event photo shoot for The Story Collider. This is my third time working with them. Some really nice results.
And I picked up a developmental reading of a new webseries where I get to read the part of a producer of a cooking show. Should be loads of fun.
Next up: some focused mailings to get some higher tier auditions and projects. Here comes Spring!
February 21, 2014
I was just brought in this week to do some brief fight choreography for a show in the Strawberry Festival titled Code of Silence. It entailed several small skirmishes including the beginning of a rape scene, some brotherly rough-housing, and a guy being tortured by having his genitals squeezed. Just your normal everyday off-off Broadway fight gig.
Next up: a class in voice over technique to brush up some skills as I am getting a new microphone this week for home recordings.
February 11, 2014
And we're rolling along.
I did a few more commercial and agent events at CnC Studios where I got some more nice feedback and more excellent relationships to cultivate.
Yesterday I wrapped on a supporting role in the new film Get Happy! It was a fantastic three days of shooting for me which covered three different scenes where I got to play around with a speech and some back and forth stuff with several other actors. The director, Manoj Annadurai, was wonderful to work with as was the entire cast and crew. Casting was done through the fantastic Adrienne Stern Casting, specifically Kathleen Hanley. This marks my first acting credit on IMDB, so that is exciting as well.
And Scout and Maggie has a release date: 2/20 when all episodes will go live on youtube. I make a brief appearance in the first episode.
Finally, I picked up a reading this week on Valentine's Day for La Petite Morgue. It's a night of one acts featuring twisted love stories.
In other fields, I sent Okamoto Studio the link to my photo blog entry covering their live carving in Central Park last month. They enjoyed them and requested copies of a few of the shots.
Next up: we're on the audition circuit and looking for representation to keep this year going strong.
January 19, 2014
The year keeps getting interesting.
I did a nice commercial intensive at CnC Studios where I got some nice feedback and a wonderful new connection.
This past week I landed (and shot) a role in a web series that should come out in the next few months. More info and a link to the piece when it airs.
I also got a supporting role in a new independant film that shoots next month. Casting was done through the fantastic Adrienne Stern Casting. Tons of thanks to them, especially Kathleen Hanley who I met last month at a forum and brought me in for the project. More info on the project in the future (I shoot next month for a few days).
And Scout and Maggie is airing soon! I got to sit and watch the whole series last month. Very funny stuff. They are doing a special screening at the end of the month to show the final final product. Should be a fun night.
That's a pretty nice haul for this month. Hoping for more work and projects ASAP.
January 5, 2014
Started off the new year with a terrific brush up on audition technique at CnC Studios. It was taught by Jagger Kaye and just a whole lot of fun working with various partners and seeing how things look on camera. I'm not the biggest fan of watching or hearing myself, but it has to be done to learn when you do something off putting.
Sent out to a bunch of tough auditions, so hopefully something comes of those. Very interesting projects in different areas.
On a different note, I've started writing a book. It's a fiction piece, based off an old screenplay I abandoned. I finished the first part of it (30+ pages) and am doing some research before starting the second part. It's an interesting excursion.
The youtube challenge ends next weekend for me. It's been a learning experience. My memorization skills are getting better. Not back to where they used to be, but we're getting there. I'm trusting my instincts more. Now we work on moment to moment, focus, transitions, and cutting loose. Should be a fun new year of new challenges and opportunities.
December 14, 2013
Ending the year with a bunch of classes and workshops. Very constructive.
Today I went to my second class at CnC Studios. This time with Jagger Kaye and Phil Allocco working on scenes with everyone. It was a really fun day, very relaxing, and just interesting to see how this group works. Also very nice to hear Phil Allocco talk about the business and his projects.
This week I will be at the Commercial Intensive (also at CnC) and a Casting Directors Forum at Scott Powers Studio where I'll be trying out a different monologue due to the people there. It is an abridged version of one of the ones in my youtube challenge I did earlier in the month.
Sent in for a new record of projects this month. A few auditions, hoping for some more in early 2014.
In other projects, I have been writing a novel based on an earlier screenplay I had set aside.
I did another photo shoot for The Story Collider. They are a great group to work with.
Some of my photos from the train exhibit in the New York Botanical Garden will be appearing in an article for Untapped Cities. This will be later this week.
I made some calendars this year and made a few sales. It's always nice when people want, or are interested in, your stuff.
So an early Happy New Year to all and hope for the best next year!
November 6, 2013
Had a very fun day shooting an episode of a new re-enactment series called Castle Confidential, playing the part of Roger Tichborne. It should air next year on the Travel Channel. I got to work with a bunch of fun people throughout the day.
The episode was directed by Jeremiah Crowell and produced by Optomen Television.
I ended up having to have an Amish style beard and longer hair than I had due to a recent haircut. The fantastic makeup artist Mia Bauman did all of this, and it was amazing to see.
A very fun day had on location since we shot in the Players Club - a place I've been in before and love walking around seeing all the artwork and theatre memorabilia.
October 29, 2013
Lately I've gone to a few round table forums where the panelists are various casting directors, agents, and managers. I've gotten some nice feedback on my work, though also a bunch of contradictions in opinions - which seems to be the nature of the beast.
After a bit of a dry spell, I have a bunch of auditions this week and next. I also picked up a project that I will post about when completed.
I've been dropping weight and getting in better shape. The strength is back, next up: the stamina and toning.
Still looking for a good and affordable on camera acting technique class.
On a different note, I've taken a script I started years ago and am turning it into a novel, so that should be interesting.
It's been an interesting year of switching gears and getting back into the swing of things, but we're on our way.
August 21, 2013
This month I took a class with Brette Goldstein for on camera technique. It took place over three weeks at CnC Studios. Highly recommend it. Lots of good feedback and focus. Looking into a few other classes coming up in September while pounding the pavement.
Several auditions in August for possible roles in some commercials and indy films. Fingers crossed for some gigs.
Youtube challenge is going well. Looking into some more pieces so I make it through the whole year.
A good summer of refocusing on technique and rebuilding physically. We have a ways to go, but it's helping.
July 28, 2013
I can finally announce the project I worked for earlier in the year as it aired tonight. I had a scene in Inside the American Mob as a young John Gotti. The episode I appeared in was titled "Operation Donnie Brasco." It will be replayed throughout the week. The shoot was a lot of fun. I lucked out with it being walking distance from my apartment which was a nice change. Everyone in the cast and crew were fantastic. We had a very fun shoot day, even when some people accidentally got locked in a decommisioned bank vault (don't worry, they got out a bit later). It was an extremely enjoyable day and I can't thank Christina Lenis and Linda Latortue at Left/Right Productions for bringing me in for this project.
I just finished up a few auditions for some projects, including possible audiobook recording. I had to relearn some of GarageBand on my mac to do that audition, but it's a good skill to have, especially with how often people ask you to video tape or record an audition instead of actually going there in person.
Next month I am taking a class with Brette Goldstein to work on my on camera technique. It's amazing to actually have time to focus on craft and work on technique since I am focused so much more on performing these days. I can't wait to see what's next.
July 1, 2013
It has been a good June. Sent out a lot of submissions to mainstream productions in hopes of getting more auditions and exposure. The theme now is "Go big or go home."
Just finished up a class with CD Susanne Scheel at Scott Powers Studio. It was fantastic. Lots of info and camera work (I will be adding some footage on here this month on the video page, possibly from class, but also from the youtube challenge so people can stay in one spot when looking up things) to help me along the way.
In the middle of working on material for that class, I also auditioned for, and landed(!), a voiceover gig for a research hospital commercial. Details will follow when the spot airs. I recorded this past friday and it was a blast.
Ok Summer, bring it!
May 23, 2013
As seen to the right, I have a new headshot. Since I am now working as a freelance photographer, I opted to take my own this time and save some money. I have gotten some good feedback and hope this will lead to new opportunities this year.
Lots of auditions lately for various projects. Also several headshot sessions, samples of which can be found here. I am also still going strong with my youtube challenge and noticing stronger capabilities with memorization techniques.
This coming weekend I am participating in a fund raiser for Manhattan Shakespeare Project in a Shakespeare Rumble of MacBeth. The cast gets to play numerous roles and switch back and forth throughout the reading. I get to do MacBeth, Ross, Seyton, and 1st Murderer, among others.
Happy Memorial Weekend to all!
April 22, 2013
Today I was brought in to do a days work on an upcoming television show for Left/Right Productions playing a famous mobster. More info will be posted when the piece is released. It was a very fun day despite having minimal time to learn my scene. The youtube exercises are working though and I was able to learn it overnight.
Hitting up as many auditions as possible while scheduling various photography projects. The year is shaping up.
Enjoy spring!
March 27, 2013
It has been a very productive year so far for me. I am very focused and applying for gigs left and right. This has resulted in many auditions and a few projects. I just wrapped a live event for Virgin Atlantic which was performed next to the Flatiron Building in NYC. They also taped many aspects of it for a new campaign that should be airing in the near future. Once it's posted I will post links for viewing. This was all directed by Sam Cadman and the section I worked on was choreographed by Joey Spano. It was just a fantastic day.
I am also now working on various photography projects including headshots and production shots. All info on this new endeaver can be found here.
My youtube challenge continues, although at times I post a few days late due to other projects. It's helping me focus and work on craft which is welcome.
January 19, 2013
Happy New Year to all!
This year I am focused on expanding my exposure and career beyond off-off Broadway into more tv, film, and internet work, along with possible Off Broadway work.
I have given myself a challenge on youtube to post a video a week. There will be monologues, readings (mostly of my own writing), and songs. I want to use these to get myself back in memorization shape and to get my voice back where it needs to be. Most videos will be one take and cut. Eventually I might go higher production value and shoot in different locations with multiple angles. You can view the intro video here.
December 7, 2012
Just did a reading for Mim Granahan of her new play "Bromances of the Exes" where I got to read the roles of George and Will.
Also just finished a class with Jared Kirby studying stage combat for the stage and screen. The classes were aimed at unarmed, knife, and longsword.
I have had several photography gigs lately while performance gigs have been scarce. Here's to the new year and new opportunities.
Happy holidays to all!
July 18, 2012
Summer has been off to an interesting start. Been involved in several readings to help playwrights work on their pieces. Also had a few meetings about various possible fight choreography projects. Writing continues on my own piece - Ask Not (I swear I will finish it this year, preferably before October).
And in other news, I have started a photo blog to showcase some of my photography. You can see it here.
Here's to a productive second half of the summer.
June 11, 2012
Just cast in a reading this week of Michael Roderick's latest play Beth. The reading takes place on Wednesday the 13th at The Players Club and is directed by Kelly Monroe Johnston. I get to play the Porter.
January 16, 2012
I started taking a class with Seth Duerr and Jared Kirby called Shakespeare's (S)words. It is a six week text and combat class that helps analyze the incorporation of violence in Shakespeare's plays.
Good start to the new year!
November 3, 2011
Some updates:
1. Put up a video of all the fights from MacBeth2011 which was performed back in February and March 2011. It's just the movement sections, showcasing my choreography and my excellent fighters kicking each others butts. You can see it on the Video page.
2. Shooting my episode of Scout & Maggie at the end of November, so prep work has begun. Should be a very funny shoot.
3. Work goes slowly but steadily forward with the draft of Ask Not. I might just be a slower writer than George R.R. Martin.
October 31, 2011
It's Halloween, so here's some (semi) creepy Shakespeare. Also known as a brief Shakespeare Out of Context.October 17, 2011
I have just been cast in a guest role for the new web series Scout and Maggie. I will be playing the role of Chip: a tech geek who is very awkward. There will be a bit of physical comedy involved as well. Should be a fun time.
And if you are interested in some brief fight choreography in the middle of a very interesting show, check out the web page for Alba to get tickets to the show.
September 17, 2011
Some new gigs:
1. The House of Bernarda Alba, directed by Glory Kadigan. I will be fight choreographer for a few sections. The show runs November 5th through 20th at the Gene Frankel Theater.
2. The Empress of Sex, by Duncan Pflaster. Part of the Oberon Theatre Ensemble's Originals Reading Series. I will be playing the role of Petrus: a servant and cunning linguist. The reading takes place on September 26th at The Lambs.
3. Two video projects to be edited: one Shakespeare Out of Context: Puck and a fight dissection from the producton of MacBeth I choreographed earlier in the year.
4. And writing continues on Ask Not, lots of mapping out new ideas and directions. Hoping to have this finished by the holidays.
5. I am also now freelancing as a photographer for untappedcities.com. My first article can be found here.
August 1, 2011
Spent a day working on a new video project: Shakespeare Out of Context. Mostly working with friends who come up with their own scenario and perform a piece of Shakespeare. The first one is my piece of Benedict from Much Ado About Nothing. It can be seen here. I shot it and edited it all on my own (very proud of my editing job).
Moving forward with the first draft of Ask Not. For the first time ever, I went back to the beginning and started over completely as I kept writing myself into corners. Hoping to finish it by the fall.
June 14, 2011
Just finished a 2 performance run of a new piece titled "Random" by Michael Hagins and directed by J.J. El-Far. I played Det. Stuart, a corrupt policeman in a film noir land filled with murder. It was performed at The Producer's Club in NYC on June 11th and 12th.
April 16, 2011
Producers sent out press clippings of MacB this week. I got some nice reactions for the fights:
"...the play really gets started. The energetic and cinematic fight scene which ensues is stylized and exciting. The special effects and lighting add immensely to the beauty of the fight, but much credit is due to Nicholas Santasier, fight choreographer. Throughout the show, one thing that never wavers is the excellence of the almost gymnastic fight scenes." ~Emily Hockaday (Read the full review here)
"There’s also a pretty sweet sword fight at the end." ~Kristin Skye Hoffmann (Full article at nytheatre)
April 10, 2011
Notches premiere is over. The four shows went very well. Lot of positive reaction from audiences. Cast and crew were a blast to work with and very professional. I can't thank everyone enough who supported this project.
Now it is back to the grindstone for me: auditioning, working on finishing a new play - Ask Not, and designing some possible video projects (including possibly turning Notches into an indy film as suggested by numerous people, including my co-producer, Phil Newsom).
March 19, 2011
MacBeth is up and running. Very nice responses to the fights. Runs through March 27th at The Wings Theater.
I was recommended by my co-producer for Notches to the Gallery Players as a last minute fight choreography gig for their production of Jitney. Very nice people there and they picked up the brief moves very quickly. Show opens March 19th and runs through April 3rd.
Notches is up and running in rehearsals. We had some cast changes over the past few weeks but everything is running well. We raised enough funds for both the rehearsal rentals and theater rentals. Ticket info can be found here. Show runs April 3-5 at The Red Room.
February 5, 2011
Currently hip deep in rehearsals of MacBeth. Fights are going well. All of the actors learn very quickly. Can't wait to see it up on it's feet in the Wings Theatre.
We just had our first read through of Notches on Friday 2/4/11. Some tightening up needs to occur in several places, but overall I am happy with where the script is. Very talented cast as well. We had to change venues and the show will now be performed at The Red Room on East 4th street on April 3-5. Ticket info can be found here. I am co-producing this with Phil Newsom Productions and Hanging Hammer Productions. If you would like to contribute please visit our chipin page.
November 10th
Hi folks. The site is up and running! A great deal of thanks go to Kyle Walters for all his work here getting me started.
Currently I am in preproduction for MacBeth presented by White Rabbit Theatre and Red Shark Productions. I am fight choreographing it and am in the early stages of research and design. The show will be in March 2011.
At the same time I have one of my own pieces, Notches, being performed in early April of 2011. We have a producer (Phil Newsom), director (Keith Dunn), and ad guru extraordinaire (Chris Cariker). Casting will occur in January 2011. Fundraising info coming soon!